Henry Adams once said that Pennsylvania, with its rich ecological system of mountains, woodlands, rivers, and lakes, is the ideal American state.

With 1,991,526 acres of forests and three major waterways, the state still offers an abundant ecosystem for thousands of species of flora and fauna.

The Cook Forest, located in the northwestern part of the state, has managed to preserve the rich bionetwork of Pennsylvania’s past. The Forest offers 6,668 acres of natural wooded habitat which house thousands of Western Pennsylvania’s mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and insects.

Whether you’re interested in living amongst Nature for your family vacation, fishing the nearby Clarion River or Tom’s Run, or hiking through the hundreds of miles of scenic trails, you’re bound to stumble upon many of the spectacular creatures that live here during your stay. Knowing where and when to look are the keys.

Spotting the Unusual in the Usual Spots

You don’t need an expert guide to be successful at spotting animals. In fact, you could see chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, and rabbits without even trying. And, fortunately for wildlife watchers, Cook Forest has many year-round accommodations. Whether you’re exploring the forest’s wildlife or all of the recreational activities in the area, the many local establishments welcome the opportunity to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. And hopefully, you’ll continue enjoy Cook Forest for years to come.

Wildlife Notes:
Black Bears
White-Tailed Deer

Also See:

Ten Things You Can Do For Wildlife
Tips for Trackers
Living with PA’s Black Bears
Bird Watching